The journal has been published since 2004. By the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, it is included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in the editorial office 2015, in which the scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published.
ISSN: 2919-1453.
Editorial policy and topics of the journal
Journal “Bulletin of TVGU. Series Economics and Management” is positioned as an interdisciplinary publication of scientific, theoretical and practical orientation, aimed at publishing the results of fundamental and applied scientific research on topical issues of economics and management, business practice, reviews, messages and reports on conferences, reviews of scientific papers.An important component of the editorial policy of the journal is the publication of works on the problems of modern economic theory, including issues of political economy, institutional economics, etc. The journal pays considerable attention to the methodology of economic science due to the fact that one cannot do without a methodological analysis of economic knowledge and its structure when researching in modern conditions of the objective multidimensionality of the phenomena of economic life. The journal highlights the issues of creating opportunities for testing new ideas of young scientists. It considers topical issues of the development of the theory and practice of finance and credit, labor economics, problems of regional and sectoral development, the world economy and international economic relations, modern problems of management and the use of mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods in the economy.
The main headings of the magazine:
- Economic theory
- Issues of the theory and practice of finance and credit
- Modern problems of management
- Development of industries, complexes and territories
- Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics
- Current economic and managerial challenges in education
- Problems of development of labor potential and quality of life
- Issues of increasing production efficiency
- State regulation of the economy
- Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia and the World
- Young scientists’ works
- Discussion platform
- Scientific life
- Critics and bibliography
- Labor economics
- Issues of increasing production efficiency
- World economy
The main headings of the magazine:
Karaseva L.A. (editor-in-chief) - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Economics and Management, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," head. Department of Economic Theory;
Kozlova N.N. (deputy editor-in-chief) - Dr. Polit. Sciences, Associate Professor FSBEI HE "Tver State University," head. Department of Political Science;
Kozlova T.M. (Executive Secretary) - Ph.D., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting;
Alpidovskaya M.L. - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory; FSOBU HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,"
Bedenko N.N. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Head. Department of Enterprise Economics and Management;
Bobryshev A.N. - D.E.N., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University," Professor, Department of Accounting Management Accounting;
Vakhrushev D.S. - D.E.N., prof., FSBEI HE "Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov," Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit;
Volkova I.O. - Ph.D., prof. HSE Higher School of Economics, Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management, Deputy. Director of the Institute of Economics and Regulation of Infrastructure Industries;
Gyyazov A.T. - Ph.D., Professor, Kyrgyzstan, Rector of Batken State University;
Danilova O.V. - Doctor of Economics, prof., FSOBU HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation," Professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance;
Kostyukovich N.V. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory;
Kuznetsov A.V. - Doctor of Economics, St. Petersburg, FSOBU HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation," Professor of the Department of World Finance;
Kurganov V.M. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Management;
Kurochkina I.P. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov," Head. Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit;
Lapushinskaya G.K. - Ph.D., prof., FSBEI HE "Tver State University," head. Department of Public Administration;
Nikolaeva E.E. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Ivanovo State University," head. Department of Economic Theory, Economics and Entrepreneurship;
Parfenova L.B. - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of FSBEI HE "YarSU named after P.G. Demidov, Head. Department of Finance and Credit;
Polenova S.N. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, FSOBU HE "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation," Professor of the Department of Audit and Corporate Reporting, Faculty of Taxes, Business Analysis and Audit;
Ratz G.I. - D.E.N., prof., FSAEI HE "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov," head. Department "Economics and Finance";
Talimova L.A. - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kazakhstan, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Head of the Department "Banking Management and Financial Markets";
Tolkachenko G.L. - Ph.D., prof., FSBEI HE "Tver State University," head. Department of Finance;
A.V. Tebekin - Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof., Odintsovo branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, professor of the Department of Management;
Tsvetkov I.V. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Management;
Turcan M.V. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management for Scientific Work, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration;
Shkutko O.N. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Belarus, UO "Belarusian State Economic University," Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations;
Yakovleva S.I. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Professor of the Department of Tourism and Nature Management, Faculty of Geography and Geoecology.
Grushko E.S. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," head. Department of Accounting;
Romanyuk A.V. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Tver State University," Associate Professor of the Department of Finance;
Makunina I.V. - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), Tver Branch, Head. Department of Economics and Management.
The procedure for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles received by the editors
of the journal “Bulletin of TVGU. Series: Economics and Management»
The journal accepts double-blind peer review (the author is not known to the reviewer, the reviewer is unknown to the author).
The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the work being reviewed as well as supervisors of applicants for a scientific degree and employees of the department in which the author works.
Articles of graduate students are accepted subject to the recommendation of the supervisor which does not preclude subsequent internal review.
Reviews are discussed by the editorial board and serve as the basis for accepting or rejecting articles. The review is signed by a specialist with a breakdown of the last name, first name and patronymic, indicating the date, academic degree, academic title and position held by the reviewer.
An article sent to the editorial office may be accompanied by a letter from the sending organization signed by its head (deputy).
The article submitted to the editorial office is registered in the journal. Manuscripts that do not take into account the "Requirements and recommendations for the publication of articles, works, journals and ongoing publications at Tver State University" are not considered.
The review should objectively evaluate the scientific article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages. The review is compiled according to the standard form proposed by the editors (Appendix 1).
The editors bring to the attention of the author the result of the review.
Articles modified by the author are re-sent for reviewing to the same reviewer who made critical comments or to another at the discretion of the editors.
If the author does not agree with the reviewer's comments, he can apply for a second review or withdraw the article, which is recorded in the registration log.
The terms of reviewing in each individual case are determined by the Editor-in-Chief, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most prompt publication of articles (but not more than 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the manuscript).
After review the editorial board makes the final decision on the expediency of publication.
In preparing for publication, the editorial board is guided by the following:
• The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes that do not distort the main content of the article.
• Articles are printed in the order of their receipt by the editors. If the article is sent to the author for revision, then the date of receipt of the article is the date of return of the revised article.
• No more than one article by one author can be published in one issue of the journal.
• The original article with the editor's corrections and proofreading is stored in the archive of the editorial office for at least 3 months.
• Authors are not charged for publishing manuscripts.
• Publication of articles is carried out in accordance with the agreements concluded with the authors.
Not allowed to publish:
• articles, the subject of which does not belong to the scientific direction of the journal;
• articles that are not properly designed, the authors of which refuse to technically finalize the articles;
• articles, the authors of which did not rework the article based on the constructive comments of the reviewer.
The editors of the journal do not store manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned.
Information about the editor-in-chief
The editor-in-chief of the journal is Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of Tver State University, Honorary Professor of Tver State University, Honorary Worker of Education and Science of the Tver Region. She has more than 190 scientific papers, she is the author and co-author of 17 monographs. The editor-in-chief has been awarded with the badge of the Governor of the Tver region “For merits in the development of the Tver region”.
Contact details of the editorial board of the series:
Address: 22, 2nd Griboedova st., room. 101A, Tver, 170021, Russia
Phone: (4822) 77-83-03
E-mail: eco.vestnik@tversu.ru
Editor-in-chief – Lyudmila Arshavirovna Karasyova (8-915-709-29-30);
Deputy editor-in-chief – Natalia Nikolaevna Kozlova (8-904-016-42-27);
Rep. secretary – Tatyana Mikhailovna Kozlova (8-961-144-99-77)
Technical editor – Tatyana Vsevolodovna Burakova,
(4822) 52-46-06, e-mail: eco_aoeiis@mail.ru